GDPR and what it means for you, the employer, employee or agency!

Letitia Oglesby
October, 2017

ENI want to ensure we have done all we can to comply with the implementation of GDPR when it comes to recruitment and employment data.  After speaking to some of you, our legal advisers and our professional body APSCO, we’ve realised that it isn’t easy to get answers about the application of GDPR in this area.  Is there anything you would like us to change in the way we are providing data about candidates to comply with the procedures you are putting in place?
With this in mind we have put together a short survey to help us understand your needs better.  In addition we wondered if you would be interested in attending a breakfast meeting to meet the experts in the New Year, and if you would what are the sort of areas you would like us to address.

Please let us know what you think below, and if you’d be interested at

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