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Referral to Reforestation: Plant Trees with ENI – How Our Referral Scheme Works
Help us grow a greener future... For every new client, and referral, we plant FIVE trees in your name! Do you know someone looking to hire? We are excited to announce our new tree planting incentive program, designed to create a greener, healthier environment for everyone. By referring a new…
ENI’s Mission to Transform Talent in the Insight Industry – Empowering Diversity
"At ENI, our mission statement is at the heart of everything we do: We believe a diverse profession needs diverse talent. The world of insight is wide and varied, so are the people needed to power it. That’s why ENI looks beyond the obvious to recruit the talent you need."…
Ageism: Under The EDI Radar
"The insight industry is missing a trick by not employing more people aged 55 and over" It’s tempting to ignore ageism – but as a profession, we’re missing a trick if we do. According to ENI’s recent salary survey of those working in insight, 3% of respondents in permanent roles…
Creating an Inclusive Work Space for Neurodivergent Employees
Do you consider neurodivergent employees when designing at your office space? At ENI, we spend a lot of time looking at DE&I initiatives, trying to raise awareness on inclusive recruitment and all that involves. One thing that doesn’t get mentioned as often is inclusive workplace design and how this can…
Creating an Inclusive Workplace for Neurodiverse Employees
Neurodiverse individuals may need adjustments throughout the interview and onboarding, as well as long-term support in their role. If you want to highlight their unique strengths and support them overcoming challenges, there are some key strategies we have listed that can create a more inclusive workplace for neurodiverse employees. …
Exploring Diverse Interview Styles
...And Finding the Right Fit for Your Hiring Needs. Over the last few months, ENI have been exploring diverse interview styles and conducting training across different methods, to find best practice (and results) for our clients. We’ve highlighted some of the most inclusive ways to interview, that ensures candidates…
Why Scorecards Create a More Inclusive Interview Process
Something that’s come up several times in conversations with clients when discussing making a more inclusive interview process, is scorecards. Some of our clients already use these and they’ve proven to be more impactful, provide more transparency and remove bias from the interview process. How would this work? …
The Art of Inclusive Interviewing – Jennie Child
Jennie Child, Founder of Balance, has created a free guide (The Art of Inclusive Interviewing) to support recruiters and hiring managers in achieving accessible, equitable, and inclusive recruitment. Balance is the inclusive hiring consultancy, who provide training, audits and transformative change consultancy to help organisations achieve barrier and bias-free…
A Guide to Fair, Equitable and Inclusive Salary Negotiations
Jennie Child, head of Balance has put together a guide on removing embedded bias from salary negotiations and creating a more level playing field for all candidates and job seekers regardless of their intersectional identity, background and circumstances. A Guide to Fair, Equitable and Inclusive Salary Negotiations:…
A Guide to Inclusive Job Advertising – Balance
Jennie Child, head of Balance has put together recommendations to help you create engaging, accessible and inclusive job advertising that will attract a diverse talent pool and appeal to candidates from under-represented backgrounds. Click the download link below for your copy. If you're looking for a trainer…
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